
The Golden Ball of Divine Grace

The Golden Ball of Divine Grace

    The phenomenon of the Oneness Blessing/Oneness Deeksha is sourced in the descent of the "Golden Ball of Divine grace$, a mystical golden orb of light, into which Sri Amma Bhagavan had impregnated their divine consciousness since early childhood through a very esoteric process. In July 1989, this Golden Ball of divine grace descended into many children of the Jeevashram School founded by Sri Amma & Bhagavan. With the descent of the Golden Ball, these children & ere instantly transported into deep mystical states of consciousness and experienced profound transformation, thus heralding the birth of a phenomenon Sri Amma Bhagavan had been waiting for over nearly four decades.
    The Golden Ball of Divine grace embodies the divine intent of Sri Amma Bhagavan, namely 'to set man totally and unconditionally free' and it is this intent that powers the Oneness Blessings/Oneness Deeksha worldwide.

- Amma Bhagvan Sharanam.