

Chakra Dhyana

    A meditation boon, this 50-minute album contains the traditional mantras for activating the seven charkas (energy centers). Beginning with the root chakra and ending with the coronary, this guided meditation helps the listener to awaken Kundalini but can also be used for deep relaxation.

The Meditation on Chakras
    Chakras is energy centers in the pranic body or the energy body. The human organism comprises not merely the gross physical body but several other sheaths like mind, karma, wisdom and bliss. These sheaths are what are referred to as koshas by the Indian seers. Among these sheaths is the sheath of prana or energy which comprises of the various chakras, nadis (energy channels). The latent spiritual energy known as Kundalini flows through these chakras and nadis, thereby making them vibrant. The flow of energy in this sheath affects all the other sheaths thereby resulting in a healthy body and mind, the result of which is bliss and peace.

    These chakras and nadis get defiled due to wrong lifestyles and eating habits and also due to the bnrden of erroneous perceptions and negative karma. This disturbance affects an individual physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Negative thought patterns create negative situations in life. So, Chakra Dhayana is not merely a sadhana to activate the subtle dimension but it also assists in creating a healthier mind which is imperative for a happy and healthy life.

    Chakra Dhayana has three steps to it i.e. concentrating on the mystical diagrams of the chakras (Yantra), uttering of mystical syllables to activate the chakras (Mantra) and the right seating posture (Asana). The Mudras (placement) of the fingers is also important. The ideal Mudras is to touch the base line of the thumb with the index finger and the ideal asana is Siddhasan. Seating oneself comfortably in Siddhasan and placing the fingers in the above mentioned Mudras with palms facing skywards near the knees, one has to visualize the respective chakras with closed eyes and utter the bija mantra of that chakra. This chanting can be done for seven or nine times or eighteen times. Daily practice of Chakra Dhayana this way will help activate the chakras. The activation of these chakras also has a physical counterpart i.e. various regions in the brain are stimulated leading to a more holistic view towards life. The Kundalini energy awakens and flows through these chakras energizing the whole pranic body which directly energizes the physical body.

The Golden Age Foundation, wholeheartedly welcomes you to participate in our meditation sessions aimed at creating healthier and happier individuals. May your lives become very prosperous and blissful?

Om Shanti, Shanti, Shantihi.

The  Seven Chakras are:

6.    AJNEYA

Chakra dhyana

How to Enlighten Sahasra Chakra

1000 petalled lotus
Physical aspect : Limbic area of the brain
Qualities : Integrates all the chakras, absolute perception of Reality on our Central Nervous system, thoughtless awareness, Niranand.
    The Sahasrara Chakra is the lotus of a thousand petals whose physical expression is the thousand nerves distributed under the surface of the skull. It is the integration of all the lower chakras and their powers. Here take place the integration and synthesis of all the worlds' religions. It is our spiritual destination.

The Sahasrara is the tabernacle of the higher synthesis between our consciousness and divinity. To express the glory of this dimension, words (as do thoughts) fail.
    Now it is time to uplift your awareness to Sahasra Chakra, where there is no Bhutas or Elements, where there is no Jnanendriya or Cognitive Senses, where there is no Karmendriya or no dynamic means of expression. It is the opening to the domain of pure consciousness. It is the point where one can sense the source of mind, which is free from the emergence of senses or elements (since the elements and senses emerge just below this level). At this level, the mantra is emerged in its subtler form, out of which the rest are emerged. The phase is realized in the perception of silence of the after the mantra  AUM is pronounced, which implies objectlessness and a sense-free awareness. At this state, one needs to state his or her mind in an absolute rest constituted with pure stillness coupled with non-empty form of emptiness, having the purest potential for manifestation, however, in non-manifested form. 

How to Enlighten Ajna(Agneya) Chakra

    Element : Light

    Qualities : Forgiveness, humility, dissolves ego, conditionings, false ideas and misidentifications

    Physical Aspect : Pineal and pituitary glands

    The Agnya Chakra sits behind the forehead, at the base of the brain, which it controls. When the Kundalini passes the Agnya Chakra, our mental activity ceases, silence and enlightenment takes place.
Now you have to lift up your awareness to the middle point of your eyebrows, while pronouncing the mantra 'AUM'. You have to repeat this mantra without any interruption and follow its natural flow, over and over again. Follow the vibration and the rhythm embedded into it. Be careful about how the mantra 'AUM' merges with the persistent form of vibration. Be aware of the fact that the mind has no constituents, however, originating from a distinctive source of air, water, fire, and earth. Be aware that the karmendriya is on the action by virtue of creation, procreation, embracement, movement and elimination. Sense how the chakra located at this position has no elements, however, acts as a recipient of all the senses of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching. Be aware of how the subtle senses coming from the inside of the subtle memories and experiences. Experience how the mantra 'AUM' manifests itself beyond all senses experienced in and as in this materialistic plane.
How to Enlighten Visuddhi Chakra

    Element : Ether
    Qualities : Divine diplomacy, detachment, witness state, collective consciousness, self esteem, pure relationships, connection with the whole Madhurya.
    Physical Aspect :Throat, neck, mouth, teeth, face, nose .
    Situated at the level of the throat, this center controls all our articulation and our communication, the movement of our hands and arms, our facial expression and our speech, as well as the senses of taste and smell.
Now bring your attention at throat point, the point where fifth chakra or Visuddha chakra lies. This is the point of emergence of space. This space allows air, fire, water and earth in order. When you are here, you should be aware of the characteristics of the space itself. You must allow the mantra 'Ham' to arise, naturally without any induced effort. Repeat it on a continuous basis. You need to do a persistent reverberating this mantra through the apparent manifest of the empty space of the inner world. At this stage, an awareness of the Karmendriya of speech is evoked. This helps in understanding the vibration of speech in the emptiness of inner world. On the other hand, Jnanendriya of hearing is evoked to understand how the natural alignment of speech and vibration of mantra occur with the space. Color and sound are perceived and disappeared.

How to Enlighten Anahata Chakra

    Element : Air

    Physical Aspect : Looks after heart & lungs

    Qualities : Creation/  nourishment  of antibodies, compassion, pure love, complete sense of security, confidence, auspicious boundaries (Maryadas), joy of the spirit .

    On the physical level the Heart Chakra (also called Anahata Chakra) controls our breathing, the action of the heart and the circulation of blood.
The time has come when you are about to reach to the high level of chakra. Closely observe your transition as you move from Manipura Chakra to Anahata Chakra. This chakra is located in the midpoint between two breasts. Allow your attentive awareness to be well seated at this position. Now pronounce the mantra 'Yam' as always allowing the natural flow and speed. You should always keep a close attention on the feeling it generates.

    At this point, you must be aware of the elements of air as it relates to the Karmendriya in relation to energy, physical body and psychological entity. Pay a close attention and experience how these elements have in relation with subtleness of Jnanendriya. Again, the perception of color and sound may differ from individual to individual.

How to Enlighten Manipura Chakra

Element : Water
    Physical aspect :Looks after liver, stomach and intestines, spleen and pancreas
    Qualities : Sense of generosity, complete satisfaction, peace contentment,, righteousness (Dharma), inner sense of morality, evolution, sense of dignity, good host .
    In our body this Chakra controls the stomach, the pancreas and many other organs around the solar plexus. Material satisfaction and a sence of a calm arising from a healthy Nabhi Chakra allows our attention to turn to subtler things.
You need to extremely aware about the transition when your attention travels from Svadhistana Chakra to Manipura Chakra. You now need to focus on naval center  the point positioned along the Sushunma Granthi or Spinal Channel. At this point, you need to arouse your attention with the mantra Ram and you need to repeat it on a continuous basis. Don't ever try to impose anything artificially when setting up the speed and flow of the mantra. Allow the natural flow and speed.

    Focus on the specific space and experience the point, no matter what the size is. Allow yourself to perceive different elements of fire and experience the subtle form of body throughout. Arouse your awareness about the Karmendriya of motion, and perceive how motion manifests its different form in energies, physical bodies, and psychological entities. Arouse your awareness about the Jnanendriya of observation and perceive the manifestation of the movement between fire and motion. Once again, the perception of color and sound may differ from person to person.

How to Enlighten Svadhistana Chakra

     Element : Fire
    Physical Aspect : Kidneys, liver, pancreas, spleen,  lower abdomen
    Qualities : Creativity,  pure attention, pure knowledge, inspiration, power of concentration, aesthetics & arts .
    Diseases : Diabetes, blood cancer, kidney troubles
    On the physical level this center plays an important role in controlling the abdominal organs such as the liver, kidneys and the large intestines. The reproductive organs of the woman are also partly controlled by this center. It also determines the concentrative power of the attention, it's sharpness.

Now the time has come to put your attention towards the second chakra from the first chakra or Muladhara Chakra. At this time, you need to stay mindful at its optimum level to experience the transition. You have to feel the motion of attention along with the characteristics of the transition in relation to energy, emotion and psyche. Now allow your attention to flow without any obstacle and to discover the space of the Svadhistana Chakra or second chakra. Let your attention to find out the accurate space and to get settled down to that particular space.
    You must understand that the actual location of the second chakra is positioned at the backside portion, aligned with Sushunma Kanda, or spinal chord, however, in practice we feel it in the front portion. You should allow your attention to flow naturally where it is comfortable with its natural flow. Don't force it or don't pretend anything over it. It will flow probably in the front area, though you need to be mindful that it is actually positioned in the back portion. Slowly, it will locate the actual space of chakra through which prana (life energy) flows upwards and downwards. In reality, Sushunma is much more delicate than the experience of chakra.
    Now arouse the mantra 'Vam' to come from within and pronounce it repeatedly with its natural flow and speed. Allow your awareness to move along across the space point like water flowing upwards and downwards. Try to discover your experience with your Jnanendriya and Karmendriya. The perception of color and sound may differ from individual to individual.

How to Enlighten Muladhara Chakra

     Element : Earth / Carbon
    Physical Aspect : Prostrate gland
    Qualities : Innocence, wisdom, chastity,  sense of direction, balance, auspiciousness, simplicity, joy, purity.
    In the body the Mooladhara Chakra controls the excretory functions, as well as sexual activity, and exerts a general control on the sympathetic nervous system.
Put a close attention in the area between your anus and genital. Give yourself enough time to settle down at a place in this area. Now pronounce the mantra 'Lam' in your own mind field, mutely. Allow it to come out at its natural speed. Now the potential output of the silent pronunciation may differ from individual to individual. While for some, it may come out on a continuous basis, for the other, it may come out 5-10 times and then pause.
    If it is paused, allow it to go back to its natural rhythm once again. It may be possible that the mantra may move quickly for someone and slowly for some others. There is nothing wrong in either case. Whatever be the situation, remember not to lose your focus from the specified area. It is very, very important. No matter what the size of the space is. It may be very tiny for you, for the others, it may be wide. Concentrate on yourself. Believe in your own size and space.
    Allow your mind to flow with the natural rhythm, of earth, its solidity and form. It may be possible that your mind can perceive a very little or a lot. Again, there is no wrong in either of the cases. Just allow them to come out in your mind field and be aware with it by the manifestation of karmendriya, which is elimination, and the manifestation of jnandriya, which is smell.
    With a persistent practice of Muladhara Chakra Enlightenment, you will discover about indriya operation from the center of focus in connection with Pancha Bhutas. It may be possible that you may not hear or listen the color or sound of the chakra of desire.


    3 Nadis & 7 Chakras (plexuses)
Responsible for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being.
    Ida (left sympathetic) - corresponds to our past, emotions, desires, terminates at superego (storehouse of all habits, memories, conditionings)
    Pingala (right sympathetic) - corresponds to our actions and planning, mental and physical activity, terminates at ego which gives “I-ness”
    Sushumna (para sympathetic) - channel of ascent, sustains our evolution and guides us towards higher awareness .

    There are actually three channels in the system. The one in the center is called Sushumna, which caters to the parasympathetic nervous system, or the autonomous nervous system. The one on the left looks after the left sympathetic nervous system and on the right it looks after the right sympathetic nervous system. Now, it is not accepted yet, or discovered yet in medical science, that the left and right sympathetic nervous systems are two different juxtaposed systems. Their functions are absolutely opposite to each other.
    The left side channel is called the Ida Nadi and is connected to the right side and back of the brain. The two left and right channels cross at the Agnya Chakra level. This channel caters to the left sympathetic nervous system. This channel looks after our emotional life and our past. It is the channel which creates our past. Whatever is present today becomes past tomorrow. The subconscious mind receives information from this channel. The subconscious mind has an age-old collective subconscious mind beyond it. Everything that was in the past since creation resides dormant in the collective subconscious. This collective subconscious has all that is dead in the evolutionary process collected and stored. Whatever that is dead or gone out of the subconscious mind goes out into the collective subconscious mind.

    The right side channel is called the Pingala Nadi, which crosses Ida Nadi at Agnya Chakra level. It is connected with the left side and the front of the brain. This channel caters for the right sympathetic nervous system. On the right hand side there is the supraconscious mind, which creates our future. Whenever we think about our future is recorded on the right hand side, and it also has a collective supraconscious, which has got all that is dead, which happened due to over-ambitious, futuristic personalities, aggressive animals or plants.
The Central path is called the Sushumna Nadi, through which the Kundalini passes to pierce through the 'Fontanels bone area' (Little fountain or Brahmarandhra) to enter into the subtle energy of the all-pervading power. This is how the actualization of Self-Realization (Baptism) takes place. First the hands feel at the fontanels bone area and on the finger tips the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. The hands are steady, they do not shake, they look normal but the seeker feels the ripples of the cool breeze. For the first time he feels the existence of the all-pervading power.