
Oneness Temple / Mukti Mandap

"Oneness Temple"

History has been witness to many an event and happening which have had a great impact on human life and it’s evolution. Mankind has witnessed several critical milestones in its’ timeless journey of growth.
We are in one such important phase of human history, on the brink of witnessing an auspicious happening amidst us. We are on a glorious march towards a collective evolution of human consciousness and the Oneness Temple is a critical step in the achievement of this goal for all of us.
The Oneness Temple is a vortex of Divine Grace, a powerhouse for the complete alleviation of human suffering. The temple is specially designed as a three dimensional projection of the powerful Surya Yantra, one among the many esoteric sacred patterns extolled in the ancient Hindu scriptures. Entering into the temple is like a journey into this powerful yantra and hence capable of activating all the subtle energy channels quintessential for the flowering of human consciousness
The Temple addresses material, psychological and spiritual aspirations of man in the realm of Grace and holistically addresses his needs at any stage in his evolution. True to it’s name, The Oneness Temple is a secular facility open to people of all religious denominations and nationalities.
There are many places and architectural wonders, ancient and modern, across the world like the Colloseum, the pyramids of Egypt or even Las Vegas and Silicon Valley. Each of them is dedicated to a specific purpose like enjoyment, honouring the pharaohs or for research and development in the field of Information Technology.
The Oneness Temple has the rare distinction of probably being the only one of its’ kind dedicated to the cause of setting man totally and unconditionally free – a state variously described as Mukti, Nirvana, flowering of the heart , total surrender, Kaivalya etc. With many more architectural feats like a pillar- less 22,500 sq. ft. hall to its credit, The Oneness Temple is indeed a modern day wonder and a blessing unto all humanity.
True to its name, the esoteric design of the Oneness Temple creates a field of divine grace wherein a neuro-biological shift results naturally in every human, ultimately leading to the dissolution of the illusion of separation and an awakening into Oneness. This powerhouse is intended as a transmitter for the entire world, to reach out to every form of life on the planet.


  • Oneness University and learning..
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Q: What does one learn in Oneness University other than spirituality?


"This is a University, which is designed to help sort out all kinds of human problems. If you are a student who is weak in mathematics or physics or you have problems with concentration or are disoriented, we will help you.

Suppose you are depressed; we will pull you out of depression. Suppose you are married and you want to end up in divorce, we can sort out - not by advising nor by counseling like they do in courts. You would simply fall in love. That is all. Suppose somebody had cheated you and you have thoughts of suicide, we would make you perfectly alright.

You want to get into a good job but are not able to get into because some problem with yourself, we would set that right. If you are a businessman, who has attempted a hundred and eight businesses and failed in every one, this time you would succeed. We will change the whole pattern for you.

If you are sick and the doctors have given up hope, we would heal you. If you are spiritually inclined and you want to become enlightened or God realized, we would give you that state. In short, this place exists to sort out all human problems."

  • What is the Oneness University?
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Q: Bhagavan, what is the Oneness University?


"Oneness University can be considered as the university for universities. It exists to make one into a true human being. Every human being has to be enlightened. Every human being has to be God realized.

This University exists to help people become enlightened and God realized. The function of the University is not only to give an understanding of the human mind, human consciousness and life itself but also to bestow the state of enlightenment or Oneness.

Seekers are not only given the state but are also empowered to transfer this state to others. One is fully empowered to help others become enlightened. The effort is to create a new humanity which would has discovered Oneness."

  • Temple for humanity...
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Q: Bhagavan, how would the temple you are building affect the whole of humanity, Bhagavan?


"This temple that we are building has a special kind of structure, built on a very special place. That is after 64,000 people are enlightened, thousands of them would come there, sit there and meditate.

So when that happens, let us say out of the 64,000 who have made it, six or seven thousand people would be meditating in those halls and, the remaining would be giving Deeksha in the world. So their Deeksha would be very powerful, because these groups are meditating here.

Then after sometime this group would go out and, newer group would come in. So it is like the power generator, with so many highly enlightened people, all in the same hall. That is why, it is a
pillar less hall, with a very special design.

So as you keep meditating, it is like power supply, which goes into the people who are giving Deeksha outside and helps mankind to become enlightened very fast. So, this temple is being specially built for the specific purpose of enlightening mankind."

  • Significance of the Golden City..
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Q: What is the significance of the Golden City?


"There are certain energy lines flowing on the earth called grid lines. These are like latitudes and longitudes. These grid lines can be measured by a special instrument known as the Laker antenna. We have done a lot of work on this and have found out that if your chakras rotate at 33 times per second, then you become enlightened. We have also discovered that by making the grid lines vibrate, we can make the chakras rotate at that particular speed.

After scanning a number of places, we have discovered this place- the Golden City and some of the major gridlines are surfacing from this place. It is here that we are building the temple. This structure can hold 8000 people. When 8000 people will start meditating continuously in turn, (?) the grid lines will start vibrating not just in G.C but across the globe, as the energies will rise due to the power generated by meditation. These grid lines will in turn affect the chakras taking you into different states.

And also the Golden City, otherwise called as Global city, is constructed totally according to the Vaastu that was revealed by me. This would enable me to hold the auspicious energies and negate the negative energies, so that it becomes easy for me to increase my grace thousand folds as the energy level of a place is very essential for grace to come.

So let us say you are in Beijing and the vibrations are set in motion here, in Beijing you will start getting experiences and then whatever should happen will start happening. Then, whether you like it or not you will become enlightened. So, to make this happen we are building the Golden City. I want all of you to come and meditate there once it is completed."

-Amma Bhagvan Sharanam.