
What is DEEKSHA ?

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What is Deeksha / Oneness Blessing ?

Deeksha (also called Oneness Blessing) is a transfer of divine, intelligent energy. The deeksha process works by creating a neurobiological shift in the brain and awakening the energy centres (Chakras) in the body. This shift in consciousness frees you from the suffering created by the mind, balances the body’s natural healthy and healing energies and attunes the brain with the fields of unity, bringing an end to the illusion of “apparent separation”. Once initiated, it is a gradual Awakening process that leads you naturally to a lasting state of Oneness, Inner peace, and Well-being.

Why has Deeksha come at this time?
Deeksha has come at a time when our planet is going through a major evolutionary transition; this is impacting our environment as well as our individual and collective consciousness. We are all connected to this process of purification and rejuvination, in effect, we are this process! In harmony with this transition, Indian Sage and living Avatar, Sri Bhagavan, has initiated the Mukthi (Enlightenment) Deeksha as an aid to our evolution into the collective Oneness State.

Does Deeksha belong to any particular belief?
Deeksha does not belong to any religion or belief, it is a ‘dogma free’ universal energy that can be received by anyone*, whichever path they choose to follow. It works uniquely and intelligently to connect you directly with the truth of your own being.

What is the neurobiological shift?
The deeksha balances energy from (overactive) thinking centres of the brain to the (underactive) frontal lobe calming centres. This ‘re wiring’ of the brain enables the senses to become free from the interference of the mind. When the senses are unclouded by the mind’s interpretations, a natural clarity of perception occurs with accompanying feelings of joy, inner peace, connection and Oneness.

How does this connect with the Planetary shift?
Each individual who awakens to their true, original state, has an inter-connected effect on the whole, thus helping humanity on the path to complete Global Transformation. The more people who attain the Oneness state, the easier it will be for the rest.

Who can receive Deeksha?
Most people can receive deeksha and now even children.
*The Exceptions are: Pregnant women after 6 months
People suffering from serious psychological illness. (in which case healing may be given)

Who can give deeksha?
The deeksha can be transferred by anyone who has received the transmission and training during a special process in India. The deeksha giver then works, just as a channel for the energy to transfer to the receiver.

How is Deeksha Transferred? What might I experience?
Deeksha is transferred, by the deeksha giver, placing his or her hands onto the crown of your head, usually for about 1 minute. Experiences during the transfer can vary, sometimes strong or subtle. Sometimes the receiver may experience a tingling sensation in the head, sometimes blissful energy flowing through the body, or you may not feel anything at all, this is not so important. The receiver can trust that no matter what he or she experiences during the transfer, a process depending on your own nature has been initiated that will lead you gradually (or sometimes suddenly!) into your Awakening.

Can I speed up the process of transformation?
Once the body’s energy channels and centers are open, the body is more able to receive higher levels of energy. Receiving deeksha once a week* when combined with Chakra meditation and breath awareness, may enhance the power and grace of this transformation. But only do what feels natural to you, on the path you choose to follow.

* It is recommended that people receive deeksha no more than once a week.

- Amma Bhagvan Sharanam.

How to be an EFFECTIVE Deeksha Giver?

Always be aware that you are merely an instrument of the Divine.
Visualize yourself as an empty vessel. Be in a state of humility, devotion, gratitude,
surrender, peace, joy, love.
Do not give blessings if you are in deep suffering, are very ill, or if you have an
addiction/habitual pattern with smoking, alcohol or drugs. If you have such an addiction,
the focus should be on setting an intent to heal and receiving many blessings, and
 getting professional help as needed. Refrain from smoking and drinking on days when
 you will be giving blessings. Dress modestly with shoulders and legs covered.
 Before you begin with the blessing, you may ask the recipients to place their feet apart
 and lean slightly forward so you can stand comfortably while giving the blessing. You
 may also give the blessing while sitting in a chair with the recipients sitting or kneeling in
 front of you.
 1. Give gratitude to AmmaBhagavan and the divine for the gift of this blessing and
 phenomenon. Ask the divine to completely fill you with the divine Presence. Feel the
 Presence in your body and hands. Ask to be a clear vessel for the blessing to move
 2. Facing the recipient, lightly place your hands with thumbs slightly touching on the top
 of the recipient's head and ask the Divine to fill the recipient with Divine Grace, healing,
 and unconditional love or make a similar request from your heart.
 3. Feel a connection with the recipient. If you are aware of a specific need or intent of
 the recipient, visualize the fulfillment of that need or intent as though it is already done.
 4. Feel and express deep gratitude to the Divine for giving the Deeksha to the recipient.
 At the appropriate time after a minute or two, slowly remove your hands from the
recipient's head, bow to the recipient and step back slowly from this sacred space.

Intent Deeksha:Blessings may be given to people not in your presence. Visualize them
 being in front of you and you putting your hands on their head. You may hold your
 hands out at your side or however you feel is best. If you are giving to a group by
 intention, imagine them as a unit in 3 dimensional form. You may give blessings to an
 area of the world or the whole world, even to a map as you wish.
The deeksha blessing can be given to water, plants, food, animals, buildings and
 inanimate objects. Drinking deeksha-blessed water may be very powerful for healing.
 Outside of a blessing event, you may give healing deeksha as appropriate directly
 touching parts of peoples' bodies where they have discomfort or disease. Visualize the
 person is well as you give the blessing and make your silent intent to the divine that
 they are healed.