
World Oneness Day

World Oneness 20 May 2007

Sri Bhagavan's and Sri Amma's messages on World Oneness Day, 20 May 2007
World Oneness Day - India

Invitations were sent out to all parts of the globe asking all those Blessing Givers who were able, to come and help celebrate World Oneness Day to be held at Oneness University, India on 20th May 2007. Those who were able to respond congregated at Golden City 2 Campus on the eve of this great event and were given the great privilege of an evening satsang with Sri Anandagiriji. His excitement and enthusiasm bubbled over as he shared with us the expectation of 200,000 people coming together for this celebration. With the event taking place in a remote, rural part of India, the realising of the effort required by so many devotees to travel such long distances in so many varied modes of transport was overwhelming. One was touched by the love and devotion manifested by these dedicated pilgrims. Sri Amma Bhagavan had not been seen in public together for some time and the magnetic power and anticipation of this auspicious event drew people from all over India

On the evening of the event as we entered the vast arena, the gathered multitude of people seemed boundless and the expansiveness of the scene inspired awe. Immediately one felt the presence of love and reverence within this sacred meeting. We were touched to be so joyously greeted by exuberant and energetic members of a youth group known as Friends who offer seva to support the mission of Sri Amma Bhagavan throughout India. They had apparently worked tirelessly for many days and nights to prepare the grounds and make the event possible.

As we reached our seats, a spectacular fireworks display filled the velvet evening sky and bhajans uplifted our hearts as we awaited the entrance of Sri Amma Bhagavan. The crowd lifted to their feet and roared their delight as Sri Amma Bhagavan made their regal entry onto the stage. Sri Krishnaji, their beloved son, performed Aarti to them. The anticipation of so many was now fulfilled as we were held in the sacred presence and moved to the core of our being by the power and grace of Sri Bhagavan’s and Sri Amma’s messages heralding the imminent transformation of humankind and the world. These messages have now been beamed around the world and are available to be read and heard by countless millions of people in every corner of the globe.

Following the delivery of the divine messages, the 300 Western and 10,000 Indian Blessing Givers were asked to move through the crowd and give the Oneness Blessing. At this moment we were directed to collectively send out a Peace Blessing into the world. The event was part of the larger Global Peace Day where the impact of mass Prayer, Blessing and Meditation on human consciousness was to be measured as part of the Global Consciousness Project. The imparting of the Oneness Blessing to the assembled crowd took place to the background chanting of bhajans and in the continued sacred presence of Sri Amma Bhagavan.

At the conclusion of the Blessing, and after bidding farewell to the sea of enraptured devotees, Sri Amma Bhagavan physically left the stage only to be carried home in hundreds of thousands of thankful and overflowing hearts.

We returned to the Golden City 2 Campus with a deep knowing that the words spoken by Sri Amma Bhagavan on this auspicious night would begin the transformation that so many spiritual aspirants for long ages had hoped for and worked towards. The Sankalpa (Divine Intent) released here, continues to reverberate in the hearts of all those dedicated to the fulfilment of the divine mission which is borne on the wings of the sacred phenomenon of the Oneness Blessing.

In boundless gratitude and ever in the service of Sri Amma Bhagavan.

Sri Bhagavan's message

The World Oneness Day shall bring about an end to human suffering. It shall also mark Man’s liberation from the human mind. The human mind is a very ancient mind and it is the one mind. It has been so for the last 2 million years. It is important that you realize that we cannot transform this mind, but we could become free of the mind. Such a thing is going to start today.

The Oneness Blessing will bring about a new generation of human beings with a new outlook and a new sense of being world citizens concerned with everything living on earth. It is your grave responsibility to make this happen. Amma and Bhagavan would be giving you a very special Oneness Blessing with which your consciousness would rise to such levels that you yourself would become Amma Bhagavan. Once you become Amma Bhagavan you will become free of the tyranny of the human mind. What you would experience thereafter is unconditional love, limitless joy and oneness. You are going to make this happen. We are going to give you this power today and you are going to make this happen. And we are going to see the birth of a new age. So we will be starting the Deeksha very soon after Amma has spoken in Telugu.

Thank you so much. Thank you all very very much. We feel completely one with you. You are in us; we are in you. You are Amma Bhagavan; we are Amma Bhagavan. We will become one. There will be no more separation between us starting from this very moment. It will snowball itself. So we will start very soon.

Sri Amma's Message

When I look at all of you, I am unable to speak out of joy. Today is a festival day for the whole world. It is the beginning of world transformation. You are all the children of Amma Bhagavan born in different places and today we have brought you all to us again. You always think about the past, “Oh! My thoughts are not alright; my behavior is not alright; would Amma Bhagavan’s divine grace really come into me? Would we become like Amma Bhagavan?” You always keep suffering in this manner. In the struggle for survival, innocence, love and values are being lost. I am well aware of this condition of yours!

Definitely, here this very moment we will make you all into Amma Bhagavan! Once Amma Bhagavan come into you, we will bestow upon you the power to see Amma Bhagavan in every human being. Thereafter, you will be able to love every living being, every individual. Such grace we would bestow upon you!

Thereafter, we will increase the Deeksha power in you. Through you, we will create awakened beings in this whole world. It is you who will transfer Oneness Blessings and create awakened people. Because of you, the whole world would be awakened. This is the beginning of the Golden Age. Amma and Bhagavan would come with you; we will reside in you.

- Amma Bhagvan Sharanam.